Risk Reward Ruler

#region Namespaces
using System;

namespace ScriptCode {
	/// <summary>
	/// Drawing scripts are used for drawing a visual object.
	/// This script can be used in several ways:
	/// (1) It can be used on a chart by clicking the chart in order to set the drawing's anchor points.
	/// (2) It can be used from another script by having that script set the drawing's anchor points.
	/// </summary>
	public partial class MyDrawing : DrawingScriptBase // NEVER CHANGE THE CLASS NAME 
#region Variables


#region OnInitialize
		/// <summary>
		/// This function is called when a new drawing instance is created.
		/// </summary>
		/// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <param name="symbolIndex" type="Symbol" default="">The underlying symbol index for the drawing.</param>
		public void OnInitialize(int symbolIndex) {
			// Initialize the drawing for the symbol to accept 3 anchor points. 		 
			DrawingInitialize(symbolIndex, 3);
			// Set the icon for the drawing tool.
			DrawingSetIcon("Risk Reward");

#region OnChartSetup
		/// <summary>
		/// This function is used for setting up the drawing on the chart and registering its pens (see the DrawingRegisterPen function).
		/// </summary>
		public override void OnChartSetup() {
			// Register the pen with which to draw the risk ruler.
			DrawingRegisterPen("Risk Pen", new int[] {
					255, 150, 150, 255
				}, C_DashStyle.SOLID, 2);
			// Register the pen with which to draw the entry ruler.
			DrawingRegisterPen("Entry Pen", new int[] {
					22 ,81, 238, 255
				}, C_DashStyle.SOLID, 2);
			// Register the pen with which to draw the reward ruler.
			DrawingRegisterPen("Reward Pen", new int[] {
					150, 255, 150, 255
				}, C_DashStyle.SOLID, 2);

#region OnDraw
		/// <summary>
		/// This function is used to draw the drawing by setting all of its anchor points, lines and labels on a virtual canvas. 
		/// The canvas x-axis values are the date and time of the underlying symbol bars and its y-axis values are the symbol prices. 
		/// The location of the drawing on the canvas is specified by the drawing anchor points, which can either be specified by 
		/// clicking on a chart or from another script (see the Drawing functions).
		/// </summary>
		public override void OnDraw() {
			// Get the number of decimals for the symbol.
			int symbolDecimals = SymbolDecimals();
			// Get the X value of anchor point 0. 
			int x1 = DrawingAnchorPointBarShift(0);
			// Get the Y value of anchor point 0. 
			double y1 = Math.Round(DrawingAnchorPointValue(0), symbolDecimals);

			// Get the X value of anchor point 1. 
			int x2 = DrawingAnchorPointBarShift(1);
			// Get the Y value of anchor point 1. 
			double y2 =Math.Round(DrawingAnchorPointValue(1), symbolDecimals);

			// Get the X value of anchor point 2. 
			int x3 = DrawingAnchorPointBarShift(2);
			// Get the Y value of anchor point 2. 
			double y3 =Math.Round(DrawingAnchorPointValue(2), symbolDecimals);

			// Check whether their are two anchor points available (one drawn and one currently being drawn).
			if (y1 == y3) {
				// Calculate the risk price difference.
				double riskPriceDifference = Math.Round(Math.Abs(y2 - y1), symbolDecimals);
				// Calculate the risk in ticks.
				double riskTicks = Math.Round(riskPriceDifference / SymbolTickSize(), 0);
				// Calculate the risk change.
				double riskChange = Math.Round(100 * Math.Abs(y2 - y1) / Math.Min(y1, y2), 1);
				// Draw the risk line.
				DrawingSetLine("Risk Pen", x1, y1, "Stop", x2, y1, "Ticks: " + riskTicks + " | Change: " + riskChange + "%");
				// Draw the entry line.
				DrawingSetLine("Entry Pen", x1, y2, "Entry", x2, y2, "");
			else {

				// Calculate the risk price difference.
				double riskPriceDifference = Math.Round(Math.Abs(y2 - y1), symbolDecimals);
				// Calculate the risk in ticks.
				double riskTicks = Math.Round(riskPriceDifference / SymbolTickSize(), 0);
				// Calculate the risk change.
				double riskChange = Math.Round(100 * Math.Abs(y2 - y1) / Math.Min(y1, y2), 1);

				// Calculate the reward price difference.
				double rewardPriceDifference = Math.Round(Math.Abs(y3 - y2), symbolDecimals);
				// Calculate the reward in ticks.
				double rewardTicks = Math.Round(rewardPriceDifference / SymbolTickSize(), 0);
				// Calculate the reward change.
				double rewardChange = Math.Round(100 * Math.Abs(y3 - y2) / Math.Min(y2, y3), 1);
				// Draw the risk line.
				DrawingSetLine("Risk Pen", x1, y1, "Stop", x3, y1, "Ticks: " + riskTicks + " | Change: " + riskChange + "%");
				// Draw the entry line.
				DrawingSetLine("Entry Pen", x1, y2, "Entry", x3, y2, "");
				// Draw the risk line.
				DrawingSetLine("Reward Pen", x1, y3, "Target", x3, y3, "Ticks: " + rewardTicks + " | Change: " + rewardChange + "%");
